Friday, October 20, 2023

The Lyrics of Abortion

Since the news of Britney Spears abortion breaking out there has been a lot of speculation around the meaning of her hit song ”Everytime”. Revisiting the video seems to show the likely truth behind the assumptions. 

As a women who suffered greatly after my abortion, I wanted to chime in. Whether we will ever know if the lyrics truly do point to the trauma she faced after aborting their baby remains unseen. However I know from my own experiences and countless others, her sentiments ring true. 

When Britney sings “Everytime I see you in my dreams I see your face, it’s haunting me I guess I need you, baby”, I am shaken to my core remembering the flashbacks I suffered for over a decade. The procedure itself, the noise of the vacuum machine ripping the life from my womb, the sterile gray walls, the corral they called a “recovery room”, the wails and moaning of other young women like me recognizing the gravity of what we had just done. These memories and visions haunted my mind in the day and night. 

She laments “I make believe that you are here it’s the only way I see clear”. Once the reality sets in that you chose death for your child there is no way to unsee that truth. It took years of healing work to be able to envision my sweet daughter smiling from the arms of Jesus with no anger towards me and the choice that I made. That vision and belief saved my life. 

Lastly, it seems she accepts the truth and asks forgiveness mournfully reciting “My weakness caused you pain and this song is my sorry”. My heart aches for her. I pray she knows there is hope and healing. 

What I want you to understand is that whether or not this song is truly about her abortion is inconsequential, although if it is then for Britney it is of the greatest significance. For the rest of us, I want you to know that it certainly could be. These feelings and experiences are real, true and common for those of us who have suffered mentally and emotionally after our abortions. This song now represents the face of abortion whether that was Britney’s intention or not. I hope this causes you to pause and recognize that the consequences of abortion go far beyond the loss of life for the child. The suffering endures for sometimes decades silently by the mothers and fathers who didn’t feel strong enough for whatever reason to choose life. These are the lyrics of abortion. 

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