Saturday, January 4, 2020

Armor Up (Part Three)

Originally I thought I was going to write about how the man at the pool had a part in manifesting (or not) his own healing. Then God clearly showed me how I was missing the point. That the healing and the "wellness" were not one in the same. I believe that what God wanted me to learn and share is that you can have wellness without the physical/mental healing, because Jesus is truly enough. Then I realized, Wait, now that this is clear we have to talk about how the enemy uses our unmet expectations (praying for physical healing-said healing doesn't come) in order to have us believe that God has somehow left or forgotten us...think serpent whispering in your ear "Surely God could forsake you"(referencing both Genesis 3:4 and Deuteronomy 31:6). That's when I realized, OH, there's a Part 2...we need to expose the LIES!

~In the event that you have just happened upon this piece I would recommend that you double back and check out the two previous posts in order to get the full picture.

So, now that we realize that God can and does miraculously heal, when He so chooses, as He sees fit, for reasons beyond our comprehension. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord (Isaiah 55:8) We can see how in the absence of physical healing we are vulnerable to the enemy's attacks, he is a prowling lion don't forget! What then do we do? It was at that moment where I realized God wanted me to go deeper, to share more. He wanted me to talk about Spiritual Warfare. I know, not exactly the "Come on over for a cup of tea" type of conversation. I believe the time has come to change that line of thinking. I'll be honest, when I first became a Christian and read Joyce Meyer's "The Battlefield of the Mind", the thought of rebuking the enemy was a bit crazy to me. Thirteen years later, I am beyond grateful that God taught me about these battles right away, while my heart was on fire and I was eating up every word He gave me.

On that note, I am going to break this message into two very important yet separate action plans, the Spiritual and the Physical. Reason being, as seems to be a running theme here in this "Wellness" series, I had thought I had known what to say to you all, but God took me deeper. In retrospect it is no surprise that God met me the week I wrote this, in the throws of crippling depression. Beyond which I felt I could bear at times. Which I firmly believe had been an attack on my mind. All this while I was writing to you about how the enemy does EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING! On the Spiritual side, it is important to note that quite often when we step in to something that God has made clear He is calling us to do for the Kingdom, there WILL be attacks! Remember that the enemy wants to render you useless. Also please take note that his plans FAILED! Did he cause me to break down in tears more times than I could count? To question God as to why oh why is this happening to me. To beg God to remove this pain. To put thoughts of the ending of my life into my head. Yes, all that and then some is true. However, you are reading this because he didn't win! I cried and I prayed and I wrote, despite the pain. In fact, in spite of the pain.

First I wrote out Ephesians 6:10-18 this is where Paul tells us to "Be strong in the Lord (not yourself) and in His mighty power." to "Put on the full armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" (v. 10-11 emphasis added) and that "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood...but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (v.12 in part) Imagine if there were a literal army of enemies outside your home, what would you do? Would you ignore them, pretend they weren't there, expect you could simply convince them to leave, maybe you could invite them in to stay for a few days? Of course not! So why do we do this with our Spiritual attacks? Or maybe it's just me because for FOUR entire days this was my plan of action. After writing to you about how the enemy will use our sufferings against us, I couldn't see that that was exactly what was happening to me.

So please, don't just write out the verses you cling to when you are facing a battle, Read Them, Recite Them Out Loud, better yet PRAY them in Jesus name! Then get that armor on! When you pray God's Word, you have the "Sword of the Spirit" (v.17) in your hand. Remind yourself who you are in Christ, this is the "Belt of Truth"(v.14). Guard your heart by giving thanks to God in all circumstances, this puts on the "breastplate of righteousness" (v.14) and let God be the air in your lungs. Stand firm in the storm knowing that Jesus came and died for you to have life and peace beyond understanding, this is the "Gospel of peace" (v.15). Take up your "Shield of faith" by rebuking the enemy and his lies, tell him out loud Satan, you hold no ground here, by the blood of Jesus be gone! This can "extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" (v.16). Put your helmet on by doing as Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and take every thought captive that doesn't line up with our knowledge of God and our Salvation through Christ. Pick up your Bible...literally! This is your Sword! Ultimately, at the end of it all, God's Word is "alive and active, sharper than any double edge sword...dividing soul and spirit...judging thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12) Even when our minds or bodies attempt to tell us something different, nothing can ever change the truths written by the breath of God.

The next part is where we have to act in the physical realm. We have to move our feet as I like to say. The enemy wants us to freeze, to stay quiet, to isolate. God's word tells us that "where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20) So please, I implore you, reach out to someone! Ask for prayer. Speak out loud what you are dealing with because when light shines in the darkness, the darkness cannot overcome it! Then, get up, go out, talk a walk, go to your favorite spot, treat yourself to Sushi! If you like yoga, do it, if you have always wanted to run a marathon, sign up.  Find what sets your heart on fire and stand up for it! Serve others. I'll tell ya, there is nothing quite as spirit lifting as stepping in and lifting someone else.
Take care of yourself first. Kinda like the old airplane oxygen bag spiel. By drawing near to God, in James 4:8 his word tells us He will draw near to us. Then once your feet are fitted, try some of the rest.

I pray this has encouraged you. That you know you are not alone. That if you feel your prayers for physical/mental healing are not being heard let alone answered, that you would be willing to let go of your ideal just enough to sit at the feet of the Father who loves you beyond comprehension. Who wants better for you than you could ever imagine. I am here to let you know that Jesus won't always remove your "pain" but He surely will walk with you through it.

Live Loved,

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